Friday, July 20, 2007

Our First Post

I have been telling myself that I need to start writing down all the funny conversations we seem to be having around our house these days but just never get around to it. Well, here is a start some outtakes from our week…

You have quite the imagination…on the way home from Summer Camp I asked you how your day was and you told me this elaborate story…”someone hit me in the face and I cry and they go to the office and sit in time out with the man and then they come back”. I chuckled and thought that you might have been telling the story in reverse and you were the person who really went to the office. Yet, you were so passionate in telling your story that I bought into it! I asked you who hit you and you said you didn’t know their name and I asked if they were new and you said yes so I thought it plausible that your story was indeed the truth. The next day I asked your teachers about it but they said no one hit you that they knew of and no one went to the office.

I know that we need to start working on potty training as you are getting to be a big girl now. I noticed that you pee pee every night when you get into the bath which is not so cool so I decided to start there. I put your potty beside the bathtub in our bathroom and have started having you sit on it every night before you get in the bath. I read a book called “My Potty Book” about a little girl named Molly learning to use the potty as you sit on your potty. In the middle of the book, you stood up turned around to face the potty arched your back and grabbed yourself saying “I want to potty like a boy”!!!